Netwrix Auditor bridges the visibility gap by delivering security intelligence about critical changes, data access and configurations in hybrid IT environments. The platform identifies users with the most anomalous activity,alerts on behavior patterns that indicate a possible threat, and makes it easy to investigate any suspicious action or security policy violation so you can quickly determine the best response. Know More


Nitin Kajarekar

An experience and skilled engineer with problem solving attitude in security domain. Focussed to Cyber security operations.


  • Financial Services - Banks, credit unions, insurance companies, investment funds.
  • Healthcare - Hospitals; biotech, pharma and medical device companies; managed care providers.
  • Education - Universities, colleges, schools, school districts, education centers.
  • Energy - Electric cooperatives, oil and gas companies, utilities.
  • Technology - Software and hardware companies, computer services providers, telecom businesses.
  • Public Sector - Government agencies; law enforcement, emergency, civil and infrastructure services organizations.
  • Industrial Organizations - Manufacturing and machinery, construction, chemical and automotive companies.